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Jun 10

Could Someone Please Translate?

As you may have noticed in many of your practices, the population and demographics of the United States in general, and some states particularly, is changing rapidly. While the white Anglo-Saxon population is still the majority in most areas, we visit many office where a large percentage of the patients speak only Spanish. I know many of you are thinking “our grandparents came here from other countries and learned English, so why can’t they? Learn the language!” Our American culture has raised us with an arrogance regarding English that we don’t see in other parts of the world. Our foreign born doctors frequently speak three and four languages, including English, and don’t consider themselves particularly outstanding for doing so.

While I do understand the rationale behind “our grandparents learned English,” I also understood the rationale behind the folks who once said computers were just a fad and would never catch on. My point is that our world is changing at a very rapid pace and our cities and towns are changing with it. Just as we morphed into a computer society, we’re also morphing into a global economy. In order to grow and stay relevant, our practices need to change as well. Every one of my clients wants patients to feel welcomed into their practice, yet many need a staff member to interpret for Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. patients. That wouldn’t feel particularly welcoming to me and I doubt if it would to you either.

If you’ve chosen to set up your practice in an area where a large portion of your patients speak a language other than English as their primary means of communication, maybe it would be in your best interest to learn that particular language. You don’t even need to be fluent….as I know these things take time that none of us have…..just learn enough basic communication to make your patients feel comfortable that you’re making the attempt. I’m in process of trying to learn Spanish and a sweet assistant in one of my client’s practices is helping me by speaking Spanish to me in the office. She’ll translate when I don’t understand, but I find I’m getting better at it every day. I’m also using an app called duoLingo on my IPad when I’m on the treadmill in the morning. We can always work in the time, and get the help, if we really want to do it. I’m getting there, and my parting comment to you is “Learn the language!” if you want to keep growing and thriving as a practitioner.


As dental practice management consultants, Mosaic Management Professionals, Inc. teachs you what the numbers mean for your success; shows you the opportunities that exist in your practice and helps you become someone who can attain the dream of personal and professional satisfaction. Let us help you handle the day to day and month to month details of your practice while we provide the training and support that will put all the pieces together into a beautifully aligned “Mosaic” that depicts your practice. Our initial consultation is always complementary and we maintain flexible hours to suit the needs of our clients.

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