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Mar 1

Referral Marketing

What do you consider to be your best sources of marketing? Before you answer that too quickly, think how often you have told a friend or relative about a great product or service? My guess is frequently…’ve also frequently told others about bad service or a bad experience. Internal referrals can be one of your best marketing tools, but it doesn’t happen by itself. Here are some ways to improve your office’s referral marketing.

  • The number one way to improve referral marketing never changes, but gets neglected more and more every day…..great customer service! Treat your patients like solid gold, go the extra mile to make them happy and always maintain a pleasant, positive attitude throughout the entire office.
  • Let your patients know you appreciate referrals. Send thank you notes and gift cards to patients who refer friends to your practice.
  • Encourage patients to refer or write comments on Google or Yahoo about positive experiences. Have entries into contests for nice prizes for patients who refer/and or post reviews.
  • Finally, the simplest of all, ask for referrals! When someone is telling you how much they enjoy coming to the practice, respond by telling them how much you enjoy them as patents, and would love to have more patients like them. Suggest they refer their friends and family and give them business cards and brochures.

Always remember, we’re only as good as our patients think we are…..and when they think we’re good enough to suggest to a friend…..we’re at our best.


As dental practice management consultants, Mosaic Management Professionals, Inc. teachs you what the numbers mean for your success; shows you the opportunities that exist in your practice and helps you become someone who can attain the dream of personal and professional satisfaction. Let us help you handle the day to day and month to month details of your practice while we provide the training and support that will put all the pieces together into a beautifully aligned “Mosaic” that depicts your practice. Our initial consultation is always complementary and we maintain flexible hours to suit the needs of our clients.